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Defrost Youth Choir School Visit and Exchange2024-04-18 (Thursday)Our school was honored to have the visit by the Defrost Youth Choir (34 members in total) from Norway on the afternoon of 1st March. It was arranged by the Hong Kong Virtuoso Chorus (HKVC). There were 3 main activities during their visit to our school: a choral performance, a Chinese paper-cutting experience accompanied by Hong Kong style refreshments, and a Ching Shing campus tour. That afternoon, in the school hall of Ching Shing Main Campus, our P.1 Choir, Junior Choir, Senior Choir, English Ambassadors and all P.4 students gathered with the Defrost Youth Choir. Our three choirs sang some English, Mandarin and Cantonese songs to mark the opening of the concert. When the Defrost Youth Choir came on stage, they performed a number of beautiful a cappella songs under the conductor Prof. Thomas Caplin, and even sang "Under the Lion Rock" in Cantonese with the whole audience. After that, it was the refreshment time. We prepared some famous Hong Kong refreshments i.e. egg tarts for the Defrost Youth Choir members, Our students also prepared some spring couplets and paper-cutting activities which were enjoyed by all. At the end of the exchange, our English Ambassadors and Senior Choir students had the opportunity to play the role of tour guides to show Defrost Youth Choir members and other guests around the MKC AI Farm. Finally, it was time for the teachers and students of our school to bid farewell to the members of the Defrost Youth Choir.
Ching Shing (Main Campus)
: 2 Ching Shing Road, Sheung Shui, N.T.
: 2671 1071
:2671 1079
Choi Yuen (Annex)
:Choi Yuen Estate, Sheung Shui, N.T.
: 2606 7891
:2606 7232
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