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"Positive Student Ambassadors - Positive Life Planning" Training

Date : 2023-11-13 (Monday)
Activity Category : 其他
On 27th October, ten P.5 students attended the "Positive Student Ambassadors - Positive Life Planning" training organized by the Education Bureau. On the training day, our student ambassadors learned positive communication, showing mutual support and perseverance through teamwork tasks and challenges. They also learned some skills to promote positivity in schools.
Ching Shing (Main Campus)
: 2 Ching Shing Road, Sheung Shui, N.T.
: 2671 1071
:2671 1079
Choi Yuen (Annex)
:Choi Yuen Estate, Sheung Shui, N.T.
: 2606 7891
:2606 7232
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